CC Cares

CCCares @ Canberra College

Formally established in 2005, CCCares is an alternate education and support program for pregnant and parenting students from the ACT and surrounding districts. We provide flexible delivery of learning and content, towards the receipt of an ACT Senior Secondary Certificate and certified competency-based training. Students are usually aged 14 to 25 and come from diverse backgrounds. Students identify CCCares as a supportive non-judgemental environment with individual learning plans, provision of adjunct childcare  and transport which are essential in meeting their learning needs and facilitating their participation. Staff emphasises health and education services and collaborate with a range of community and training organisations.

Our aim is to provide a safe warm and stimulating environment for students and their children. We recognise that each child is unique, and that they will grow and develop at their own pace. We support play-based learning that offers diverse opportunities to explore, discover and create guided by the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia 2019.

We believe in the rights of all families at CCCares, including families with additional needs, people from non-English speaking backgrounds and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. We acknowledge the uniqueness of family and recognise the significance of its culture.

How it works

CCCares aims to provide a best practice model for pregnant and parenting students to access education. It adopts a blended and flexible service delivery model, working with several agencies to provide holistic health, education and welfare support and connections for young people and practical living supports. CCCares emphasises strong staff-student relationships within a relaxed and accepting environment, empowering students to seek solutions and take responsibility for their actions. Through an assertive form of outreach CCCares actively engages with young people who face barriers in accessing formal services and works to support their continued involvement in the program. The open-door policy means interested young people can visit the campus and, provided they meet the program criterion, are welcome to join the program; partners of enrolled students can also access employment, health, and vocational education services.

CCCares operates every weekday, in an open plan learning environment. We have classrooms, kitchens, playrooms, sleep rooms, change rooms, a medical suite, fitness room and outside play areas on site. CCCares offers transportation to students and their children from their homes to school and back again each school day.

CCCares works in partnership with a wealth of services and agencies to support our young people.

CCCares uses Personalised Learning Plans to:

  • help its students develop the social and emotional intelligences needed to become connected to their chosen community
  • improve the literacy, numeracy and IT skills of all students in CCCares
  • assist them to develop an awareness of local and global issues
  • provide a supportive environment which encourages young people to identify and manage their personal circumstances, and
  • design Pathways Plans with young parents to develop the necessary skills and personal strengths they need to become employable in the future, thereby assisting them to become financially independent.

What we have

  • a Virtual Enterprise environment, which enables the delivery of Business Administration and associated competencies
  • a beauty salon, fully equipped and functioning with hair washing points, cutting and styling chairs, and a nail centre. This salon allows students to be involved in competency-based training combined with hands-on experience. This space also enhances student personal grooming, presentation at interviews and how to look good for all occasions
  • inside and outside spaces for parents and children to maximise fine and gross motor skill development, learn how to "play" in an appropriate and safe manner and experience the joys of being outdoors
  • a Hospitality suite and fully operational cafĂ© which will enable the delivery of vocational competencies from a variety of packages.
  • Flexible learning spaces
  • Fitness room and home style kitchens.
  • Childcare rooms catering for infants, toddlers and  pre-schoolers
  • Mach Nurse consulting rooms

In Summary our program offers:

  • Vocational Education with competency-based training provided by external RTO’s.
  • Flexible learning to achieve ACT Senior Secondary certificate
  • Access to community with the assistance of our community liaison officer
  • Take home learning packages combined with online  learning
  • MACH nurse clinics x 2 each week
  • Monthly antenatal nurse visits
  • Advocacy and support with services
  • Daily transport assistance in our buses
  • Fit for work program
  • Dress for success program
  • Adjunct care child-minding model
  • Cooking facilities + children’s lunch and afternoon tea program
  • Emergency food and clothing relief
  • Excursions and external courses
  • Legal aid available for legal advice fortnightly
  • Sexual health clinics twice per term
  • AOD nurse and psychologist available weekly
  • Post-school transition options with assistance given by our employment consultants


The Chronicle Article on CCCares Building - March 2013

CCCares@ Canberra College would like to acknowledge the ongoing assistance
it receives from its numerous supporters across the ACT community.

Contact: CCCares

Canberra College

Phone: +61 2 6142 3464

Email :

Useful links:

ACT Health Logo