Safe and supportive school

Canberra College promotes an enriching, safe, respectful and supportive environment where students are educated together in an inclusive mainstream and specialist environment. The school promotes inclusive practices and has an emphasis on valuing each student and working to meet their individual needs. The school works with families to ensure that reasonable adjustments are made for students as required.

We all have the right to be treated with fairness and dignity. We all have the right to learn and work in a safe, respectful and supportive school environment that values diversity - an environment free from bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence.

Canberra public schools strive to provide safe, respectful and supportive environments. For further information about processes and policies to address bullying, harassment, violence, management of complex and challenging behaviour please refer to the ACT Education Directorate website.

The Canberra College, Safe and Supportive Schools Contact Officers (SASCO’s) may be contacted via the front office number +61 2 6142 3288.

Online Etiquette and Cyber Safety

Cybersafety is important for all users of online platforms and linked devices. Canberra College strives to provide safe, respectful, supportive environments and students agree to abide by our Canberra College Student Code of Conduct. This extends to the online world and includes such things as sexual/physical/personal harassment; and, the sharing of material that is denigrating, bullying, illegal, unwanted or of a questionable nature, either about others or oneself. Whilst at school or engaging in school activities students, staff and other stakeholders must comply with ACT Government policies.

The internet is an essential part of young people’s lives – for learning, keeping in touch with friends and having fun.

You can help them explore their digital world while educating them about how to avoid harmful experiences online, and how to deal with them if they arise.

Talk to young people early, and often, about what they are doing online. For tips and advice about how to help children to stay safe online, there are some useful advice from eSafety and ThinkUKnow.

Office of the Safety Commissioner

The Office provides audience-specific content to help educate all Australians about online safety including young people, women, teachers, parents, seniors and community groups. Their goal is to empower all Australians to explore the online world safely:


ThinkUKnow is an Internet safety program delivering interactive training to parents, carers and teachers through primary and secondary schools across Australia using a network of accredited trainers:

Canberra College's Code of Conduct and Student Management Policy are available here:

For policy information, please see the ACT Education Directorate website:

A list of all Education Policies are available here