Careers/Work Experience/ASBAs

The Careers team is available to help students in the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes through a planned program of learning experiences (Pathways Plan) that will assist them to make informed decisions about their chosen study and /or work options and enable effective participation in working life.


Career education services at Canberra College encompass:

  • Learning about the world, its changing nature, the general expectations of employers, and the demands of the workplace
  • Developing self-awareness in relation to interests, abilities, competencies and values
  • Developing awareness and understanding of occupational information and career pathways
  • Developing skills in decision -making which can be applied to career choices
  • Acquiring the skills to implement the career decisions made
  • Giving students access to fully qualified career development practitioners, to help them achieve their goals and aspirations though our careers team
  • Promoting diversity and inclusivity of our students by giving them opportunities to participate in our career development and pathways programs, WEX (Work Experience) and ASBAs (Australian School based Apprenticeships), and
  • Giving students the opportunity to apply for Scholarships and Bursaries, with the help of our careers team.

We offer students the opportunity to attend many varied experiences in career development, whether it is within the school or opportunities offered outside the school.

Canberra College holds it's own Transition and Careers Market, which is held every year to accommodate all questions that students may have with their chosen pathway.

Our students have the opportunity to attend Work Experience Placements, where they can go out into the Industry of their choice to gain valuable experience in their chosen field. Some of these placements have been with Department of defence, National Zoo,The Canberra Hospital, ANU Research Schools and also NIDA ( National Institute of Dramatic Arts) just to name a few.

We also offer our students the access to gain further training and competencies, by being part of the ASBA (Australian School Based Apprenticeship) Program. This program gives the students an opportunity to complete their year 12 and to also gain the employability skills required to follow the pathway of their chosen Vocation, by the time they graduate from Year 12.